Mac’s Speed Shop has dedicated our Eastern North Carolina BBQ sauce to our friend and co-worker, Eugene Coleman, who was homeless on the streets of Charlotte for over 20 years! Buy a bottle of Coleman’s sauce and help fight homelessness in your community.
To buy a bottle of Eastern North Carolina BBQ Sauce, Click Here

“I met Coleman when I was paired with him as a Stephen Member at Myers Park Presbyterian Church, supporting him in the “Homeless to Homes” program sponsored by the Urban Ministry. We became friends through that program and that’s when I had the idea to bottle my sauce, dedicate the sauce to Coleman and try to raise money through selling the sauce. Wynn and the team at Mac’s helped me get the sauce bottled and the rest is history. Without Mac’s help, we probably would’ve never gotten anything done!” – Scott Mercer

“People here cared more about me than I cared about myself. But I knew enough to know that this was my last chance. I needed help and didn’t want to die like that. There was faith and courage deep within me, but I got sidetracked. I gave it everything and found my way home.” – Eugene Coleman

“I brought Coleman and his amazing story to Wynn (and Mac’s) about thirteen years ago with the idea of bottling my homemade bbq sauce recipe in collaboration with Mac’s to raise awareness on and funding for fighting homelessness in our community. It seemed like a natural fit and one that would be congruent to Mac’s commercial mission. With Mac’s help, funding and support, we held many fundraisers (band parties) and other events to sell the sauce and encourage donations to local charities like the Urban Ministry Center of Charlotte. This current initiative is to revitalize our original mission of helping fight homelessness through raising awareness using Coleman’s story of survival and revival, building a brand around his image, attaching his brand to our bbq sauce and raising funds to fight homelessness through the sale of the sauce and the profits it generates.” – Scott Mercer